Thursday, June 3, 2010

Creator's Day - Meditation

Be located as convenient for you… close your eyes and breathe deeply, relax
your body. Breathe out the tension…let go your fears, pains…
Breathe in the joy, and Breathe out the tension…
Breathe in the light, and breathe out the negative thoughts…
Breathe in colored light. be a light color is your favorite color… breathe, and let
it fill your body… penetrating cells…
This light, you're creating fortress of light… New strength and energy to give you…
Imagine that this light fills your heart, going through your arms
into light changes hands… your hands can create…
Imagine, but what you touch, it becomes bright…
Imagine that you touch your face… you start to smile, you touch a flower, color
becomes more colorful.
Touch another face, someone, smiles at you…
Touch his/her hands, fill light, creating power to be full of his/her hands…
Anything you get, all begins to shine…
Touch an object, which is necessary for your work… be in the pen, keyboard,
tool, spoon, anything…
Anything you get, fills up the creative power…
This power within yourself…you are able to change the glow anything,
Anything and anytime…
Do not forget: Anything and anytime…You are able to change everything…
Glowing hands put your heart… Stay with it a bit, and feel your heart beating .
While you do that, your lights will be stronger, are able to create everything…
Take a few deep breaths… move your hands, Slowly open your eyes…
You're ready to your create day…
Be dare and Create!

Have a nice and lovely day!

Theresia Valoczy

Sunday, May 30, 2010

The Internal Advisory Program

The internal consultant lives in you...
Shows the way, leads to You...
When you ask help from him,answered with love.

Always know what's good...
When you can not see the next step, The Internal Adviser shows you.Gives opportunities,a good chance...
And every day it makes.

If you hear his voice,you begin to change.
Your days will be more beautiful,and your job is lighter and easier to.
The relationships become more harmonious and Your wallet is full.

Are you curious about the secret?
You're curious, how do you contact your Internal Consultant?

Soon you will know...

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

As the focus is-seeks the light!

The Life is interesting.

When you need for something, arrive it!
When you think someone, she/he calls by phone or meet him.
Are you need an advice? Get!
You hear a word, which touches.
Because, you need for something.
Whatever you want, you will receive!

You think for something- get it!
It's simple!

As the focus is-seeks the light!
As the focus is- it's live!

If a negative thought in the focus-the result will be negative.

If a positive tought in the focus - the result will be positive!
Your life is change.
You will become positive personality.

As lives in your soul, so you get more.

The decision in your hands.

What are going to feed in your soul?

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Successful peoples and the passion

Successful peoples see the goals in the morning, and evening. Everyday. They focus this during the day.
It gives stength, it carries forward.
Succesful peoples know this.
They live with the power of goals, use in active.
They will become another person, above average.

The goals are good. They live in our soul. We need to rekognize them.

If I know my dreams and goals, I know myself.
This is important in the business.
We become the better by self-knowlendge.

Successful peoples know this...

And, what they know yet?

They know te Passion, the subject of passion.Burning it. They see before.
This passion leads the goals.
The goals are realized.

Their passion is their work.
Their work is their passion.
Therefore successful in it.
They work, what they like it.
They are the best of it. They hear the inner voice, and follow it.
Reach there, where would like to be.

What's your passion?

What do you like to do?

Get started!


What are you waiting for?

Monday, February 8, 2010

The Voices of Silence

I love the Dawn,then Silence is great.
I hear the Voice of Universe, easier.

I feel plesantly...

I get force in these moments.
I'm revolving.

Think about all.

I become open The God , and I become open myself.

I understand The Creation.

I create my dreams.
I go vigorously to my goals.

The early moment are charmed,it's becomes a beautiful day.
The beautiful day is joyful...
The day is full of love and blessing.

The Life is magic!

The best of ideas are made in silence.
These derive from God.

Appreciate these ideas!

Honor it!

Accept the Advices of Silence...

Have a blessed beautiful day!

Successful Women Conference

The Successful Women are shine.
They are purposfully, definate and confident.
They are enjoy the Life.
They know, why live.
Themselves are successful.

They accept the advices.

They have the big dreams!

They create The Future...

The Successful Women Conference will be held in Hungary(2010.Jun.)

Are you successful women? Would you like to become successful women?

Waiting for you!

Let us be together!

...When the Women are high-flying,the World is change...

The Successful Women are can this...

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Spirituality in business

The Life is our Enterprise.
Responsibility to admit it.
Does not matter how we go along the road.
We need to be present.

This is te Spirituality in business.

If you like your job, you doing better.
All it will become easier. All goes smoothly.

If you listen to your inner voice, find the way to the World.
The inner voice is the strongest in the silence.
In this case you get the best advice.

Your life is change.

If you get closer to the internal adviser, you get closer to your creative force.

Start the Creation!

The Spiritual Enterprise of reviving the strenght in your mind.

Teach you attract to yourself the desires things.
It's show how to create your World, which you want to live.

Great people talk about.(Joe Vitale, Peggy McColl, J. Canfield...)
Great books are made.

Just live with the possibility.

We all have a great abbility.
It's time to rekognize!

What are you talented?
(Do you find one thing?)

Them start him!
What you're good it will be the Best.

Find Your Dreams!
Live Your Dreams!
Create Your Future!
Live a Perfect Life!

Everything is possible...